Excel Analysis Tool Kit For Mac Excel

Although all the statistical analyses described in this website can be done with standard Excel capabilities, it is often easier to use the supplemental functions and data analysis tools provided in the Real Statistics Resource Pack.

The functions provided in the Real Statistics Resource Pack are summarized in Real Statistics Functions. Here we briefly review the available supplemental data analysis tools.

My MAC/Apple student users can't find the Data Analysis Tool Pack. I have looked and found one reference to MAC EXCEL 2001 for installing KB276444 which is no longer supported (see below). Does this mean that there is no Data Analysis Took Pack for MAC? Excel for Mac 2011 and higher do not include the analysis tool pack. You can't do it without a different piece of software. This was by design since Microsoft does not like Apple. How to Download the Microsoft Office Excel Analysis Toolpak by Carol Finch The Analysis ToolPak is an add-in program that adds advanced statistical functions to Excel, such as variance, correlation, frequency and sampling analysis.

When you need to do a speedy analysis of your data in Excel 2016, consider using the Quick Analysis feature. Here are some points to keep in mind about Quick Analysis: When you select a range of cells, a small icon appears in the lower right corner of the selected area. This is the Quick Analysis. Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Excel 2016 for Mac More. Less If you need to develop complex statistical or engineering analyses, you can save steps and time by using the Analysis ToolPak.

Accessing Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools

The Analysis ToolPak is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that comes with Microsoft Excel. An add-in is simply a hidden workbook that adds commands or features to Excel. Typically the Analysis ToolPak is installed when one installs Excel. Solver and Data Analysis Add-ins for Excel for Mac 2016 Solver Add-in for Excel for Mac 2011 SP1 Resolved: Excel 2016 for Mac - Solver Add-in not allowing cell references to be picked.

You can access the Real Statistics data analysis tools by pressing Ctrl-m or via the Add-Ins ribbon (as described in Accessing Real Statistics Tools). One of two dialog boxes will appear which lists all the available supplemental data analysis tools (see Figure 1 and 2).

Figure 1 – Original Real Statistics data analysis tools main menu

Figure 2 – Real Statistics multipage data analysis tools main menu

You next choose one of the data analysis tools from this list. A dialog box will now appear which is similar to that presented in Figure 2 of Excel’s Data Analysis Tools, as described in detail in Using Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools.

The following are the currently supported Real Statistics data analysis tools.

List of Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools

You can click on any of the data analysis tools listed below (or the listed options within these tools) to get additional information about that tool (or option). The data analysis tools are listed in the tab order of the multipage interface.

Descriptive Statistics Tab

Descriptive Statistics and Normality, includes:

Histogram with Normal Curve Overlay

Frequency Table Descriptive Statistics

Diversity Indices

ROC Curve and Classification Table

Step Chart

Solve Set of Linear Equations, includes

  • Solve Set of Linear Equations – outputs the solution only
  • Perform Gaussian Elimination – shows result of Gaussian elimination

Extract Columns from Data Range – allows you to create a new data range by selecting certain columns from an existing data range

Reformatting a Data Range

  • Reformat Data Range, includes:
  • Reshape – reproduce input data in a range of a different shape
  • Reverse – reverse the order of the input data range
  • Sort – reproduce the data in ascending sorted order
  • Sort without duplicates – reproduce the data in sorted order removing duplicates
  • Shuffle – randomly permute the data (selection without replacement)
  • Randomize – randomly select data from data range (with replacement)
  • Remove blank cells – remove all empty cells
  • Remove non-numeric cells – remove all cells with non-numeric data
  • Remove error cells – replace any error cells by empty cells
  • Copy exact formulas – copy a range to a new location without changing the cell addresses

Reformatting a Data Range by Rows

  • Sort by rows – sort rows based on the value of the cell in a selected column
  • Remove rows with empty cell(s) – remove any row which has an empty cell
  • Remove rows with non-num cell(s) – remove any row with a non-numeric cell

Matrix Operations

  • Matrix Operations, includes:
  • Transpose – transposes a matrix
  • Correlation Matrix – creates the correlation matrix for the specified data range
  • Covariance Matrix – creates the population or sample covariance matrix for the specified data range
  • Inverse – inverts a square matrix
  • Diagonal – creates a diagonal matrix with specified diagonal
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric square matrix
  • Eigenpairs (non-sym) – finds the real eigenvalues and eigenvectors of any square matrix, including non-symmetric matrices
  • QR Factorization – finds orthogonal matrix Q and upper triangular R where input matrix = QR
  • Schur Factorization – finds orthogonal matrix Q and upper triangular T such that input matrix = QTQT.
  • SVD Factorization – finds the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) consisting of diagonal matrix D and orthogonal matrices U and V where input matrix = UDVT.
  • Spectral Factorization – finds the Spectral Decomposition of a symmetric input matrix which is equal to QDQT where D is a diagonal matrix and Q is orthogonal
  • Identity Matrix – creates an identity matrix of the specified size
  • Empty Box – creates an empty matrix of the specified size and shape

Change Chart Axes Bounds

Multiple Scatter Charts

  • Multiple Scatter Charts

Color Assignment

Restore Real Statistics on Add-ins Ribbon

  • Restore Real Statistics on Add-ins Ribbon

Regression Tab

Regression, includes

Multiple Linear Regression, includes

  • Regression Analysis – performs multiple linear regression analysis
  • Regression without a Constant – assumes the intercept is zero
  • Robust Standard Errors – select none or type HC0 through HC3
  • Residuals and Cook’s D – creates a table which includes Cook’s Distance and DFFITS, for use in identifying outliers and influencers in regression
  • Durbin-Watson Test – checks for autocorrelation

Other types of Regression

  • Weighted Linear Regression – esp. useful to address heteroscedasticity
  • Exponential Regression – nonlinear version


Binary Logistic and Probit Regression

Multinomial Logistic Regression

  • Multinomial Logistic Regression (for raw and summary data)

Survival Analysis, includes

Confidence and Prediction Interval Plots


Single Factor Anova, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

  • Anova follow-up tests
  • Kruskal-Wallis follow-up tests

Two Factor Anova, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

  • Reformat Data (convert data into one-way Anova format)

Three Factor Anova, supports standard formats by row and by column and includes:

One Factor Repeated Measures Anova, includes

  • Anova: Repeated Measures (one within subjects factor)

Two Mixed Repeated Measures Anova, includes

  • Anova: Repeated Measures (one within subjects and one between subjects factor)

Nested Anova

Randomized Complete Block Design, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

Split-plot Design, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

Latin Squares Design, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

2^k Factorial Design, supports Excel and standard formats and includes:

Two Factor Anova with Replications Follow-up

  • Simple Effect (rows, columns)
  • Contrasts (rows, columns, interaction)
  • Tukey HSD (rows, columns, interaction)

Two Factor Anova without Replications Follow-up

  • Contrasts (rows, columns)
  • Tukey HSD (rows, columns)

Anova Follow-up (esp. used after Three Factor ANOVA)

  • Contrasts (rows, columns, interaction)
  • Tukey HSD (rows, columns, interaction)
Download data analysis excel

Analysis of Covariance (Ancova)

Friedman Test

  • Post-hoc tests (Nemenyi, Conover, Pairwise Signed-Rank)

Time Series Tab

Basic Time Series Forecasting

  • Basic Time Series Forecasting, includes

ARIMA Modelling and Forecasting

SARIMA Modelling and Forecasting

Time Series Testing

  • Time Series Testing Tool, includes

Forecast Accuracy

  • The Forecast Accuracy Tool, includes



Multivariate Analysis Tab

Hotelling’s T-square Test

  • Repeated Measures – using one sample T-square test for one factor repeated measures analyses

Single Factor MANOVA

  • Single Factor MANOVA, includes:
  • Significance Testing – significant test for MANOVA omnibus test
  • Sum of Squares and Cross Product (SSCP) Matrices – displays T, H and E matrices
  • Group and Total Means – displays group and total mean vectors
  • Group Covariance Matrices – displays group covariance matrices
  • Multivariate Outliers – test for outliers using Mahalanobis distance
  • Box’s Test – test for homogeneity of covariance matrices
  • Multiple ANOVA – follow up MANOVA with ANOVA on all dependent variables
  • Contrasts – follow up MANOVA with multivariate and univariate contrasts
  • Repeated Measures – using MANOVA for two factor repeated measures analyses

Factor Analysis – includes correlation matrix, eigenvalues/vectors, factor matrix, Varimax rotation, factor scores

Excel Analysis Tool Kit For Mac Excel

Cluster Analysis

  • Cluster Analysis – k-means++ test

Discriminant Analysis

Correspondence Analysis

Confidence Ellipse

Correlation and Reliability Tab

Correlation (one-sample), includes

Internal Consistency Reliability

  • Cronbach’s alpha (includes Kuder-Richardson)

Interrater Reliability

  • Kendall’s W (with or without correction for ties)

Item Analysis

  • Item analysis (item difficulty, item discrimination and point-serial correlation)

Rasch Item Response Analysis

Polychoric Correlation

  • Polychoric Correlation (including tetrachoric correlation)

Miscellaneous Tab

T Tests and Non-parametric equivalents, includes:

Non-parametric Tests

  • Non-parametric Tests, includes
  • Cochran’s Q Test (raw data and summary data options, includes McNemar’s Test)

Chi-square Test for Independence – tests m × n contingency tables for independence, data can alternatively be in stacked format

Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test

Goodness of Fit Testing

  • Goodness of Fit Analysis, includes
  • Two Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (raw data and summary options)

Distribution Fitting

  • Distribution Fitting, includes
  • Weibull: method of moments, MLE, regression
  • Gamma: method of moments, MLE
  • Beta: method of moments, MLE
  • Uniform: method of moments, MLE


  • Bootstrapping (p-values, histograms and confidence intervals) for one sample, two sample, paired sample, multiple group (ANOVA) and correlation coefficient tests
  • Randomization (p-values and histograms) for two sample, paired sample, multiple group (ANOVA) and correlation coefficient tests

Multiple Imputation (MI)

Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML)

Estimation-Maximization (EM)


Multiple Tests

  • Multiple Tests, includes:
  • Conservative Tests (Bonferroni and Dunn-Sidàk)

Statistical Power and Sample Size Requirements

This data analysis tool supports the following tests:

  • One-sample normal test
  • Two-sample normal test
  • One-sample and paired-sample t test
  • Two-sample t test
  • One-sample binomial test
  • One-sample correlation test
  • One-sample variance test
  • Two-sample variance test
  • Chi-square test (goodness of fit and independence tests)
  • One-way ANOVA
  • Multiple regression
  • Intraclass correlation ICC(1,1)

Sep 03,2019 • Filed to: Repair Corrupt Files • Proven solutions

Part 1: The troubles of Excel File Repair

Not only excel spreadsheet, but any kind of file has chances of getting corrupted due to various causes. Thus having a excel repair tool or multiple file repair tool is essential for recovering such files since many of them might have important user data stored within them. There are plenty of tools available out there over the internet, which has made whole a lot easy to repair corrupt excel file. Before introducing the best excel repair tool, here are some causes that has possibly caused your file / excel file to get corrupt.

  • Improper shutdown of system: This is the most common reason for getting files corrupted. When working on spreadsheet, if computer shuts down all of a sudden due to power cut of other reason, your work is in great trouble.
  • Virus: There are viruses that are especially designed user files stored on a particular machine. If your computer gets infected with any such virus in any way, you are doomed.
  • Bad sectors on storage device: Since all storage devices are hardware, they might develop bad sectors with time and use. If a file is stored in such a sector, it can get corrupted.
  • Improper application exit: When working on a MS spreadsheet, if MS excel stops responding in between or unexpectedly shuts down, there are chances that the opened file gets corrupted.
  • Large data in single sheet: okay, we know it sounds a little weird, but MS spreadsheet is not a database. It is not designed to handle huge data so big files have more chances of getting corrupt than smaller one.

Part 2: Free Download the Best Excel Repair Tool

We know that you have not landed on this page to lookout for reasons why your file is corrupted. But, the knowledge is good, you know? No let us discuss the best way to repair corrupt excel file. Here we present the best file repair tool.

1. Best Excel Repair Tool:

Stellar phoenix Excel Repair is one of the best file repair tool that simplifies the process performed to repair corrupt excel file. Here are some key features of this file repair tool that makes the software an idea excel repair tool for repairing corrupt spreadsheets. This file repair tool possesses unique capabilities and techniques that are essential to repair corrupt excel files.

  • It can recover tables, charts, chart sheet, cell comments, images, formulas, sort and filter as well
  • It is capable of recovering files holding single sheet and multiple sheet XLS / XLSX files as well
  • Cell formatting and worksheet properties are preserved during recovering as far as possible
  • It is available for both MAC and windows OS
  • It can also fix excel corruption errors
  • It supports all excel versions from 2000 to 2016

Part 3: How to Repair Corrupt and Damaged MS Excel

Here is a quick step by step tutorial to repair corrupt excel files using stellar phoenix excel repair.

Step 1 Click on add / open file icon on the file menu, select option 'add file to tree view'.

Step 2 Excel repair box will popup. Files can be added using one of the following steps.

Excel Data Analysis Tutorial

  • Click on select files, it will pop open dialog box. Locate and select an excel file and click on open. Click on scan.
  • Click on select folders, it will pop a browser. Locate and select the desired folder and hit ok. Now click on scan.
  • Click on search files. In opened browsers, click the drive need to be searched. It will now display all the excel files located in that particular drive. Select required files, hit ok, hit scan.

Excel Analysis Toolpak Kit For Mac Excel 2011

Data Analysis Toolkit Excel

Step 3 All the selected files in the step above would be displayed in the left pane of the main interface. All of them have boxes. Check the boxed of files required to be repaired. Now click on start repair icon on the file menu (it looks like play button, gotcha?) or simply click on start repair.


Step 4 It will throw a save box. You can choose where to save the new repaired file in this box. Once done, click on ok.

Data Analysis Tools In Excel

Step 5 Have some patience and wait. It won’t take more than 5 minutes to repair an excel file unless it is too damn huge or contains some heavily loaded multiple spreadsheets. Enjoy!

Tips for Excel file Repair

  • Difference of licenses: Home or single user license restricts the software installation to single system where technician license allows installing tool on multiple systems.
  • Unable to read file: One of the many corruption errors of Microsoft excel, stellar phoenix Excel Repair can easily fix it for you.
  • Repair won’t start: Make sure all your MS office modules are closed and try to start the repair again by clicking retry.
  • Preserving engineering formula: In order to perform repair over a file containing engineering formulas, it is essential to manually enable the analysis tool pack. This option can be found in tools > add-ins. Ignoring this step may cause lose of some formulations.However, some would still be preserved.
  • Data lose may happen: Despite this excel repair tool try its best to recover each and every cell of your excel file, there cannot be done anything if it is already done due to corruption. Data lose are less to encounter in small files and files that are not heavily corrupted. The possibilities are higher in larger files since even a small corruption is large due to the size of file.

Garage Tool Kit

We hope that this tutorial has served you with essential knowledge and you are now capable of performing a file repair for yourself or your family or your colleagues and give your friends advices on corruption issues. If you are also troubled by word documents issues, please kindly check how to retrieve deleted word documents here.

Tool Kit Walmart

Repair Corrupt Files