Sqlite Tool For Mac

Navicat for SQLite is a powerful database administration and development tool for SQLite database. It works with SQLite version 2 and 3, and supports most of the latest SQLite objects as well as Data Modeling Tool, Import and Export, Visual Query Builder, database migration, and Batch Job Scheduling. I am using simple tool for basic sqlite operation called Lita This tool is based on Adobe Air so that must be installed prior to use of Lita. Adobe air can be downloaded for free from Adobe site.

  1. Adware Removal Tool For Mac
  2. Sqlite Tools For Windows
  3. Chrome Cleanup Tool For Mac
  4. Mac Sqlite Browser
Active3 years, 2 months ago

I am aware of CocoaMySQL but I have not seen a Mac GUI for SQLite, is there one?

My Google search didn't turn up any Mac related GUI's which is why I'm asking here rather than Google.

48.3k88 gold badges246 silver badges323 bronze badges
45.5k73 gold badges147 silver badges187 bronze badges

closed as off-topic by TarynMar 31 '14 at 17:44

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Taryn
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15 Answers

39.1k17 gold badges126 silver badges204 bronze badges

Base is younger than your question, and definitely feels like a 1.0, but the user experience is miles better than the experience of using any of the 'cross-platform' apps on a Mac.

I recommend you buy a license before the developer realizes he is charging too little for it.

UPDATE: Since December 2008, Base is now up to version 2.1, it has become an excellent product. I don't remember what it used to cost, but I paid for the 1.x to 2.x upgrade. Still highly recommended.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Base is available on the Mac App Store, you may find it useful to read the reviews there.

64.8k20 gold badges102 silver badges132 bronze badges

I use Liya from the Mac App Store, it's free, does the job, and the project is maintained (a month or so between updates as of Jan 2013).

I also test a lot on the device. You can access the SQLITE database on the device by:

  1. Add Application supports iTunes file sharing to the info.plist and setting it to YES
  2. Running the app on a device
  3. Open iTunes
  4. Select the device
  5. Select the 'Apps' tab
  6. Scroll down to the 'File Sharing' section and select the app
  7. The .sqlite file should appear in the right hand pane - select it and 'Save to...'
  8. Once it's saved open it up in your favourite SQLITE editor

You can also edit it and copy it back.

EDIT:You can also do this through the Organizer in XCode

  1. Open the Organizer in XCode (Window > Organiser)
  2. Select the 'Devices' tab
  3. Expand the device on the left that you want to download/upload data to
  4. Select Applications
  5. Select an Application in the main panel
  6. The panel at the bottom (Data files in Sandbox) will update with all the files within that application
  7. Choose Download and save it somewhere
  8. Find the file in Finder
  9. Right click and select 'Show Package Contents'

You can now view, edit, and re-upload the package to your debug device.This can be really handy for keeping snapshots of different states to try out on other devices.

3,9902 gold badges23 silver badges37 bronze badges

You may like SQLPro for SQLite (previously SQLite Professional - App Store).

The app has a few neat features such as:

  • Auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
  • Versions Integration (rollback to previous versions).
  • Inline data filtering.
  • The ability to load sqlite extensions.
  • SQLite 2 Compatibility.
  • Exporting options to CSV, JSON, XML and MySQL.
  • Importing from CSV, JSON or XML.
  • Column reordering.
  • Full screen support.

There is a seven day trial available via the website. If you purchase via our website, use the promo code STACK25 to save 25%.

Disclaimer: I'm the developer.

8,32424 gold badges117 silver badges219 bronze badges

MesaSQLite is the best I've found so far.

Looks very promising indeed.

Michael Krelin - hacker
97.8k14 gold badges170 silver badges161 bronze badges

I am using simple tool for basic sqlite operation called Lita

This tool is based on Adobe Air so that must be installed prior to use of Lita. Adobe air can be downloaded for free from Adobe site.


That FireFox extension looks pretty nice. I've used SQLite Browser in the past and it did the job.

Bill TurnerBill Turner
3,6031 gold badge16 silver badges25 bronze badges

I've published instructions for how to run the Firefox SQLite Manager outside of Firefox, since FF hase become so bloated in the last few releases. It's really easy and I've even compiled a DMG for the sqlite gui if anyone wants it.

Jeremy EdgellJeremy Edgell

Take a look on a free tool - Valentina Studio. Amazing product! IMO this is the best manager for SQLite for all platforms:

Also it works on Mac OS X, you can install Valentina Studio (FREE) directly from Mac App Store:

Radim Köhler
110k32 gold badges212 silver badges290 bronze badges

Sqliteman is my current preference: It uses QT, so it's cross-platform. Since I develop on Windows, Linux and OS X, it helps to have the same tools available on each.

I also tried SQLite Admin (Windows, so irrelevant to the question anyway) for a while, but it seems unmaintained these days, and has the most annoying hotkeys of any application I've ever used - Ctrl-S clears the current query, with no hope of undo.

Mike HoustonMike Houston
5,7832 gold badges29 silver badges42 bronze badges

There is also Induction app (http://inductionapp.com/), which is free & open source (https://github.com/Induction/Induction).

Just drag & drop your .sqlite file on the icon to open the file.

And the other great option is https://github.com/yepher/CoreDataUtility

12.1k9 gold badges54 silver badges73 bronze badges

Try this SQLite Database Browser

See full document here.This is very simple and fast database browser for SQLite.

1,9443 gold badges21 silver badges46 bronze badges

Try a versiontracker search instead. SqliteManager from SQLabs ($49, Mac & Windows) is the one I prefer, but I haven't really evaluated the other alternatives.

10.5k5 gold badges25 silver badges37 bronze badges

You may try Navicat. It used to have a free 'Lite' version whih is unfortunately not available any more. The pro version supports several important DB engines, not only SQLite. I am currently using the 30-day free eval version.

Laryx DeciduaLaryx Decidua
4,2472 gold badges27 silver badges29 bronze badges
174k44 gold badges252 silver badges338 bronze badges
Akintayo A. Olusegun

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Active1 year, 2 months ago

I am looking for a preferably free SQLite frontend to use under OS X.

Something similar to MySQL Workbench will do. Put separate suggestions in separate answers.

168k46 gold badges304 silver badges662 bronze badges
10.7k57 gold badges142 silver badges213 bronze badges

9 Answers

DB Browser for SQLite is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases, built on top of Qt. The main goal of the project is to allow non-technical users to create, modify and edit SQLite databases using a set of wizards and a spreadsheet-like interface.

4,2182 gold badges21 silver badges37 bronze badges

It's a far cry from the other graphical tools mentioned here, but I've found that I prefer interacting with my SQLite databases with the built-in command line tool, sqlite3:

The best part is that it's built into Mac OS X and is completely, 100% free. (No seriously, the code is in the public domain)

Kyle CroninKyle Cronin
18.1k19 gold badges76 silver badges138 bronze badges

You may like my app SQLPro for SQLite (App Store).

Some of the neat features it includes are:

  • Syntax highlighting & Autocomplete (sometimes called intellisense).
  • Customizable themes allowing the query editor to be completely customized.
  • The ability to run multiple queries at one time (and a customizable run query shortcut).
  • Primary key detection in the query results. When primary keys are detected you can update results & delete rows directly from the grid.
  • Errors in queries will be underlined.

Adware Removal Tool For Mac

There is a full schema designer. SQLPro for SQLite allows you to add/update/delete:

  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Foreign Keys and
  • Triggers

In addition:

  • Tables can be imported & exported from/as CSV, XML or JSON.
  • A query history browser so that you may see queries run in the past.
  • Favourite queries can be stored and reused.
  • The results grid can be searched (either via the Cmd - F keyboard shortcut or by right clicking the results grid and choosing find).

There is a seven day trial available via the website. If you purchase via our webstore, use the promo code STACK25 to save 25%.

Disclaimer: I'm the developer.


Sqlite Tools For Windows

Not native OS X app, but it will do the work!

4,2182 gold badges21 silver badges37 bronze badges

There are also the Navicat brand of SQL editors, including Navicat for SQLite, which are available in the Mac App Store (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/navicat-for-sqlite/id424161923?mt=12).

I've not used their SQLite tool, but have used their MySQL product, and found it to work well for most tasks.


Base ($32.99 USD / £19.99)

Native OSX app for interacting with SQLite databases. Base isn't free, but I've found it to be useful. You can buy it through the Mac App Store.

Lorin HochsteinLorin Hochstein

Chrome Cleanup Tool For Mac

1,1094 gold badges19 silver badges32 bronze badges

You can try Valentina Studio http://www.valentina-db.com/en/valentina-studio-overview 14 Feb 2013 in the 5.0 version added support of SQLite, as well as, MySQL, PostgreSQL. It is FREE. Works on Mac, Win and Linux. Includes not only db management but powerfull reports that work again on 3 OS.

Mark RobinsonMark Robinson

Navicat SQLite ($49/$99)

Navicat for SQLite is a powerful Database administration and development tool for SQLite. It works with SQLite version 2 and 3 and supports most of the SQLite features including Trigger, Index, View, and so on.

It's a good product but IMHO expensive.


SQLiteFlow ($2.99)

SQLiteFlow is a very great GUI tool for SQLite on macOS. It's intuitive, stable and reliable.

It has features that most SQLite editors or managers that suppose to have. Including:

  1. A data viewer which allows you view, edit, add or search table's data directly through UI without any code. And it also allows you copy the data in data viewer to CSV.
  2. A query editor which support code auto completion, syntax highlighting, format query, copy query to almost any language's quoted string after some configuration.

  3. An alter table GUI tool which can help you maintenance your database structure without any pain to write alter table query, instead it can generate the query for you after you tell SQLiteFlow in UI that what need to be changed.

  4. Attach opened databases directly through UI is a useful feature if you deal with attaching database thing in your daily work, very convenient, save your time from writing ATTACH DATABASE commands.

  5. Handle database file name or directory changes automatically. This is a feature that once you found it exists, you can't leave it!
    For me, as a iOS developer, SQLiteFlow help me deal with SQLite database in iOS simulator seamlessly without need to handle the fact that a same file (SQLite database) 's path in iOS simulator is changeable.


Mac Sqlite Browser

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