Primer Design Tool For Mac

Premiere is a crash happy mess to put it mildly. Time and time again this app has made me look bad while a client is sitting next to me waiting for an edit that has a tight deadline. I use it on a new Mac Pro, an iMac and a Hackintosh. The Hackintosh works the best btw.Save constantly, which for some reason even if you have autosave on it doesn't work until you save manually once. And don't get me started on the video card capability mess. Sure you can edit without one, but Premiere is so reliant on a video card that it's almost unusable without it. I don't have these issues with FCPX or Avid, and for the record, I edit on all 3 all the time. These programs just work and are reliable. And being as I only use Premiere, After Effects and Photoshop in the CC suite, I'm super happy that I have to pay $50 a month. And by happy I mean not happy. Can't wait for Adobe to release the next version of CC, change everything and give me an all new Premiere that has more bugs than the last. Because why would anyone want to use a program that stays the same and works?

PerlPrimer is a free, open-source GUI application written in Perl that designs primers for standard PCR, bisulphite PCR, real-time PCR (QPCR) and sequencing. It aims to automate and simplify the process of primer design. BiSearch Primer Design and Search Tool - this is a useful tool for primer-design for any DNA template and especially for bisulfite-treated genomes. The ePCR tool provides fast detection of mispriming sites and alternative PCR products in cDNA libraries and native or bisulfite-treated genomes. Oligo Explorer is a tool to search primers and primer pairs. The program analyzes all important primer properties like Tm, GC%, primer loops, primer dimers and etc. Readme AnnHyb This programs features include sequence editing with proofreading, format conversion, translation, sequence statistics, probe design & analysis.


Primer Design 1.3

PrimerPrimer Design Tool For Mac
Primer Design is a simple utility created in order to design DNA primers for mutagenesis in the BGME lab (JHU).
LicenseFreeware (Free)Date Added12/25/2012
PriceUSD $0.00CategoryMultimedia & Design
FilesizeAuthorVictor Khangulov

Primer Design is a simple utility created in order to design DNA primers for mutagenesis in the BGME lab (JHU). It allows users to select or enter background sequence and add current and new mutations. During the design process, users are presented with various updating checks to guide them.

Platform:Windows All

Primer 3

System Requirements: There is no specific requirements